The Final Layer

Supporting and scaling workplace learning requires innovating in several ways. Here we describe a number of those innovations that have resulted from a four year long international research project.

Research & Development Methods

We have created and applied a number of research, design, development and evaluation methods that involve stakeholders early in the research process and help to iteratively create true innovations.

Learning Models and Scenarios

Our research tells us new things about how people learn in the context of their work, how they share and collaborate with colleagues, and how organisations and cross-organisational networks help scale learning beyond immediate contexts.

Learning Tools

Our tools support learning in the work context, collaborative knowledge building, knowledge sharing and a range of other activities important for workplace learning.


We base our solutions on a powerful infrastructure all built on Open Source technologies that allows to scale up learning, deploy solutions in a flexible manner and provide the needed security.

Learning Impacts

Our research has made an impact on learners, the organisations that employ them and on developers of learning solutions.