Learning Layers
Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters

tobias.ley [at] tlu.ee
Tobias is a Professor for Learning Analytics and Educational Innovation at Tallinn University in Estonia. He was the Scientific Coordinator of the Learning Layers Project.
Institution: Tallinn University

adolfo [at] tlu.ee
Adolfo is a senior researcher on Learning Analytics at Tallinn University in Estonia. His contribution to the project was related to Learning Analytics at the workplace.
Institution: Tallinn University

elex [at] know-center.at
Elisabeth is assistent professor at Graz University of Technology in Austria. She was the leader of WP5: Social Semantic Network.
Institution: Graz University of Technology and Know-Center Graz

dkowald [at] know-center.at
Dominik is a post-doctoral researcher at the Social Computing team of the Know-Center Graz. He was doing his PHD on the topic of cognitive-inspired tag recommendations in the course of the Layers project and was executive co-leader of WP5: Social Semantic Network.
Institution: Graz University of Technology (now Know-Center Graz)

Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi
ihasani [at] know-center.at
Ilire is a PHD student at the Know-Center Graz in Austria. She was doing her PHD on the topic of cosensus building in collaboration networks in the course of the Layers project.
Institution: Graz University of Technolog (now Know-Center Graz)

Dieter Theiler
dtheiler [at] know-center.at
Dieter is a software engineer at Know-Center Graz in Austria. He was the main developer of the Social Semantic Server in the Layers project.
Institution: Graz University of Technology (now Know-Center Graz)

Sebastian Dennerlein
sdennerlein [at] know-center.at
Sebastian is business developer at the Know-Center Graz in Austria. He was doing his PHD on technology-enhanced sensemaking in the course of the Layers project.
Institution: Graz University of Technology (now Know-Center Graz)

Emanuel Lacic
elacic [at] know-center.at
Emanuel is PHD student at the Know-Center Graz in Austria. He was doing his PHD on context-aware recommender services in the course of the Layers project.
Institution: Graz University of Technology (now Know-Center Graz)

Thomas Isselhard
Institution: Agentur für Nachhaltiges Bauen GmbH

Joanna Burchert
Institution: University of Bremen

Marjo Virnes
Institution: Aalto University

jukka.purma [at] aalto.fi
Jukka Purma was technical lead in Ach so! development and project researcher and doctoral student in LeGroup
Institution: Aalto University

Sanna worked as a research assistant in the Learning environments research group, Aalto University. Her responsibilities were the user research, design and piloting of the Social Augmented Reality Application (SoAR) developed at Aalto. She finished her MA thesis on SoAR in 2016.
Institution: Aalto University

Tamsin is a Technology Enhanced Learning Strategist working at Leeds Institute of Medical Education. She led the healthcare sector work for the Learning Layers Project.
Institution: University of Leeds

Micky was working as a Research Fellow at Leeds Institute of Medical Education and contributed to the healthcare sector work for the Learning Layers Project.
Institution: University of Leeds

Rose is a research governance officer with NHS Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group, contributing to the healthcare sector work in the Learning Layers project.
Institution: NHS Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group

John Bibby
john.bibby [at] bradford.nhs.uk
John is a former General Practitioner working in an education role with NHS Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group. John contributed to the healthcare sector work in the Learning Layers project.
Institution: NHS Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group

paul.carder [at] bradford.nhs.uk
Paul is the Head of Research at NHS Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group. He has contributed to the healthcare sector work in the Learning Layers project.
Institution: NHS Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group

ronald.maier [at] uibk.ac.at
Ronald is a Professor and head of the Dept. of Information Systems, Production and Logistics at the School of Management, University of Innsbruck in Austria. He was the leader of WP1: Workplace Learning.
Institution: University of Innsbruck

stefan.thalmann [at] uibk.ac.at
Stefan is an Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Information Systems, Production and Logistics at the School of Management, University of Innsbruck in Austria. He was the operative lead of the UIBK team for the Learning Layers.
Institution: University of Innsbruck

markus.manhart [at] uibk.ac.at
Markus is a PhD candidate and works as a scientific project assistant at the Dept. of Information Systems, Production and Logistics at the School of Management, University of Innsbruck in Austria. He coordinated/conducted the evaluation activities in the construction sector in the course of the Learning Layers.
Institution: University of Innsbruck

Christina is a PhD student and works as a university assistant at the Dept. of Information Systems, Production and Logistics at the School of Management, University of Innsbruck in Austria. She coordinated/conducted the evaluation activities in the health care sector in the course of the Learning Layers.
Institution: University of Innsbruck

manfred.geiger [at] uibk.ac.at
Manfred is lecturer of Logistic Systems at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany and works as a freelance consultant. He is a PhD student at the Dept. of Information Systems, Production and Logistics at the School of Management, University of Innsbruck in Austria. He worked as a project assistant for the Learning Layers, focusing on the collection and analysis of log data.
Institution: University of Innsbruck

janna.thiele [at] uibk.ac.at
Janna pursues a master's degree and works as a research project assistant at the Dept. of Information Systems, Production and Logistics at the School of Management, University of Innsbruck in Austria. She worked as a project assistant for the Learning Layers.
Institution: University of Innsbruck

victoria.banken [at] uibk.ac.at
Victoria pursues a master's degree and works as a research project assistant at the Dept. of Information Systems, Production and Logistics at the School of Management, University of Innsbruck in Austria. She worked as a project assistant for the Learning Layers.
Institution: University of Innsbruck

klamma [at] dbis.rwth-aachen.de
Ralf is assistant professor and head of the Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) group at the Chair of Computer Science 5 (Databases & Information Systems) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He was work package leader for technical integration in Learning Layers.
Institution: RWTH Aachen University

kravcik [at] dbis.rwth-aachen.de
Milos was senior research associate in the Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) group at the Chair of Computer Science 5 (Databases & Information Systems) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He was operative co-lead of the RWTH team in Learning Layers.
Institution: RWTH Aachen University

derntl [at] dbis.rwth-aachen.de
Michael was senior research associate in the Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) group at the Chair of Computer Science 5 (Databases & Information Systems) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He was operative co-lead of the RWTH team in Learning Layers.
Institution: RWTH Aachen University

renzel [at] dbis.rwth-aachen.de
Dominik is senior research associate in the Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) group at the Chair of Computer Science 5 (Databases & Information Systems) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He worked as project researcher in Learning Layers.
Institution: RWTH Aachen University

nicolaescu [at] dbis.rwth-aachen.de
Petru is PhD candidate and research assistant in the Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) group at the Chair of Computer Science 5 (Databases & Information Systems) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He worked as project researcher in Learning Layers.
Institution: RWTH Aachen University

koren [at] dbis.rwth-aachen.de
István is PhD candidate and research assistant in the Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) group at the Chair of Computer Science 5 (Databases & Information Systems) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He worked as project researcher in Learning Layers.
Institution: RWTH Aachen University

shahriari [at] dbis.rwth-aachen.de
Mohsen is PhD candidate and research assistant in the Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) group at the Chair of Computer Science 5 (Databases & Information Systems) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He worked as project researcher in Learning Layers.
Institution: RWTH Aachen University

lange [at] dbis.rwth-aachen.de
Peter is PhD candidate and research assistant in the Advanced Community Information Systems (ACIS) group at the Chair of Computer Science 5 (Databases & Information Systems) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He worked as project researcher in Learning Layers.
Institution: RWTH Aachen University

pkamar [at] uni-bremen.de
Pekka Kämäräinen is an educational researcher with focus on comparative research in vocational education and training (VET). In the Learning Layers project he was in charge of accompanying research and process documentation in the construction pilot.
Institution: Institut Technik & Bildung (ITB), University of Bremen

werner.mueller [at] uni-bremen.de
Werner Müller is a scientific assistant at Institute Technic and Education (ITB), department “Vocational Education and Training Processes”. His main research interests are based on his knowledge and experiences in metal and construction sector – here in energy saving and sustainability related innovation.
Institution: University of Bremen

deitmer [at] uni-bremen.de
Dr. Ludger Deitmer has a background in electrical engineering and in vocational teacher education. His doctoral dissertation focused on the evaluation of VET pilot projects in a regional innovation programme. Currently he leads the ITB department “HRD, Innovation and regional development”.
Institution: University of Bremen

graham10 [at] mac.com
Graham Attwell is Director of Pontydysgu. An Associate Fellow of the University of Warwick and a Gastwissenschaftler at the University of Bremen, he is a leading researcher on the use of technology for learning and knowledge sharing and development.
Institution: Pontydysgu Ltd.

Christine Kunzmann is a researcher and consultant in the area of competence management, knowledge management, and novel approaches to HR Development.
Institution: Pontydysgu Ltd.

patricia.santos [at] upf.edu
Patricia Santos is post-researcher in Technology Enhanced Learning she was working at the University of the West of England (Bristol) during the Learning Layers project (2013 - 2016). Currently, she is working as post-doc research at the GTI research group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)
Institution: University of the West of England

gilbert.peffer [at] gmail.com
Institution: CIMNE - International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Institution: Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

martin [at] bachl.pro
Institution: Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

merja.bauters [at] aalto.fi
Merja Bauters is a Reserach Fellow in Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University and has been involved in the planning and creation of the co-desing process, Ach so! and SoAR tools and tool piloting in Finland.
Institution: Aalto University