Infrastructure - Cloud Video Transcoder


ClViTra2.0 (c.f. D6.2 [1]) is an example of flexible cloud service, developed firstly for the Tethys infrastructure and evolved towards a las2peer microservice within the Layers Box.
Built as a RESTful service, ClViTra2.0 can be instantiated on multiple physical instances in order to scale transcoding tasks across multiple computers. Videos can then be transcoded on any of these installed instances, depending on the overall physical resources availability.


Video transcoding needs to be performed in order to achieve interoperability and adaptation for different platforms, provide a seamless multimedia experience and make the videos accessible on mobile and desktop devices. ClViTra2.0 was developed as a cloud-based solution for transcoding video files and served to create a uniform encoding for videos used by tools such as Ach so! or SeViAnno. ClViTra2.0 is a REST-based cloud service developed to provide scalable transcoding of multiple videos simultaneously and video storage using the Tethys/Layers Box APIs. ClViTra2.0 serves as an abstraction layer for the Tethys cloud storage API. ClViTra2.0 is part of the integration guidelines and was developed as example for Layers Use-cases, tool support and OpenID Connect (OIDC) integration.

Use Cases and Tool Support

Developers and Contributors


  1. M. Derntl, M. Kravcik, R. Klamma, I. Koren, P. Nicolaescu, D. Renzel, A. Hannemann, M. Shahriari, J. Purma, M. Bachl, E. Bellamy, R. Elferink, V. Tomberg, D. Theiler, and P. Santos, “Customizable Architecture for Flexible Small-Scale Deployment,” Learning Layers Project, Deliverable D6.2, 2014.